Monday, November 12, 2012

Sometimes There Is Magic In The Simplest Things

One of the great truisms in life is that sometimes there is magic in the simplest things. This recipe for whiter nails is one of them. Not only that, it's nearly free. What more could you ask for? (OK totally free is better but...)
Are you suffering from nails that look off white or yellow because they are always polished or because you love dark nail polish? No, you don't have to stop polishing your nails with your favorite colors, (OK, I heard that sigh of relief!) No, your fashionable fingers do not have to go bare to get the white back. Instead make your own homemade paste and bring your nails back to their original whiteness.
The paste is made from:
2 1/4 tablespoons of baking soda (that's soda ladies NOT powder)
1 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide
Mix it into a paste and apply to your nails, press in using a cotton ball both on top of your nails and underneath the tips. Let sit approximately 3-5 minutes. Rinse until water runs clear and nails are clean and WHITE again! Repeat every six to eight weeks to keep  your nails looking their best.
A miracle! Nails that are back to their pristine white state. (Do not worry if you get a little bubbling after applying and rubbing in, hydrogen peroxide is full of little bubbles!) Sometimes there is magic in the simplest things. I told you it was magic, or at least as close as you are going to get!
Too lazy to put together your own yellow remover? Spend some of your hard earned cash and buy some denture cleaner, then soak your nails just as you would dentures. OK, I know, gross! I'd rather make my own cleanser, but to each their own!
I'd put a photo of my newly whitened nails to show you before and after pics, but I tried this out on my toe nails, and no way are my 'ugly' feet being posted on the web for all to see!
We also have some nail art available for purchase that's easy to use and will save you $$ at the nail salon. Yes, it's all about doing it yourself and saving $$.

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