Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Earrings For Evenings And Special Occasions

Photo courtesy of Avon/Star Studded Earrings Earrings Order # 451-063
Looking for some elegant earrings? Try this pair of earrings perfect for evening by Avon. These are 'star studded earrings' and you can order them using the code 451-063. Just call you favorite Avon rep or shop online (my web page is http://nancyvecchione.avonrepresentative.com). Free direct delivery code FS30REP for any $30 order.
   Photo courtesy of Avon/birthstone earrings in amethyst Order # 501-945
Avon also has some great birthstone hoop earrings on sale in campaign 3. At almost half price (save 46%) from their usually reasonable price which was $14.99, not $7.99. And you don't have to limit yourself to just your birthstone. Choose whichever colors suit your wardrobe and have a whole 'earring wardrobe' some to match every outfit and mood. Buy two and get a better deal yet! 2 for $12 and mix and match styles shown here.
So stop by and shop or have an Avon Party and invite your friends over to visit with your local Avon rep and try products in person. See you soon!

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