Saturday, June 9, 2012

Does Your Lipstick's Name Influence Your Purchase?

Have you ever wondered how they choose the names of your lipstick? You have to admit, there are some wild ones out there! Improbable combinations of texture or flavors don't seem to put us off.

In fact, researcher Professor Debra Merskin from the University of Oregon did a study on the names of lipstick and categorized the names of 1,722 lipsticks to see which types of names were most popular and how names influence us in our purchases.

Professor Merskin's results?

90% of purchases are based on color but what else influences us? It seems 24% of us are much happier to buy lipstick if it has the name of a food in it, 20% color, and 10% sex or romance.

So if your lipstick is Hotter than Cinnamon Buns it seems people just might be more inclined to buy it! Or how about Sizzlin' Strawberry Kisses? (Totally made these names up, just so you get the idea.) Elements or minerals appeal to another 9% (I guess these are those 'gold' or 'silver' or 'metallic' shades. And Emotions and characteristics another 8%.

What do you think? Does a lipstick's name turn you on enough to make that purchase over another one?

Professor Merskin delves deeper than most of us go when we’re choosing our lipstick colors, but she suggests that the names of our lipsticks reflect how we feel about ourselves when we wear those colors and how we act.

For instance, Mac makes a Rebel shade... would you feel more rebellious wearing it? Or would a sweet name like vanilla, chocolate or butterscotch be more likely to have you part with your cash.

Information published by Professor Debra Merskin of the University of Oregon.

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