Today selling
Avon isn't just a part time job for women.
Avon is the career for every woman and man who wants to get ahead and who enjoys meeting new people and re-connecting with old friends.
Who sells
I do. I'm a 30 year old nursery school teacher.
My Mom does, she's a (uh we won't say how old) writer and researcher.
Avon reps can be from any generation and any background. So if you're thinking "Who could sell Avon?"
YOU! That's WHO!
The fact is anyone can sell
Avon. Our unit has some very successful men and women selling high dollar amounts every time they submit an order. What do they all have in common? They'd rather work harder for themselves than just hard for someone else!
You get the rewards of all the hard work you put in, and you can set your own hours. Does that sound like something you'd enjoy? Or do you need flex hours? Have a husband who works odd hours so you have to be home with the kids when they are home?
Avon is the perfect career choice. Want to add an extra job so you can buy that new car or take that fancy vacation? Put yourself or a teen or two through college? Pay for a wedding? Whatever your reason,
Avon can provide you with as much money as you are willing to work for. Hard work for hard cash! Ka-ching! I do love the sound of money in my pocket!
Interested in a management career with
Avon? Bring more people into the unit and become a unit leader, and move up the ladder all the way to a Senior Executive Unit Leader. The money looks better and better! You make money on every sale the people you bring in sell. That's a lot of makeup $$!
Avon isn't just walking door to door or talking to ladies at the Laundromat anymore. Today many
Avon reps have their own e-stores (you can see mine at the right!) Just click and visit my store. Any purchases my readers make are the same as sales I make in person. Others have
Avon parties, or hold special events all online! You can have an
Avon party without ever demo-ing a product in person. Have you ever put a video on YouTube? It's the perfect way to connect with your potential customers. Every rep finds their own 'best way' to make money. What's yours?
Let's get together and talk
Avon! The pros, the woes, the trials and tribulations and the reasons why it's the most rewarding career in the world! Email me at for info on a career in